Wireless electricity (Power) transmission using solar based power satellite technology

In the near future thanks to in depth use of energy, limited supply of resources andthe pollution in surroundings from gift resources e.g. (wood, coal, fossil fuel) etc,alternative sources of energy and new ways to generate energy which are efficient, costeffective and produce minimum losses are of great concern. Wireless electricity (Power)transmission (WET) has become a center of attention as research point of view and nowadays lies attop 10 future hot burning technologies that are square measure below analysis currently. The concept oftransmitting power wirelessly to reduce transmission and distributionlosses. The wired distribution losses are 70 - 75% efficient. We've tandancy to cannot imagine the worldwithout electric power which is efficient, cost effective and produce minimum losses is ofgreat concern.Wireless power transmission will be possible in upcoming years and it will take us to bright future.


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3rd year EXPO